On February 14 and 16, EURAMED rocc-n-roll will hold a radiation protection training event for researchers.
In line with the WP7 objectives to design and pilot a dedicated education and training (E&T) methodological framework for health professionals and researchers, this exemplary training event will be carried out dedicated to researchers of all varieties (clinical, academic) who use ionising radiation equipment as part of their work or undertaking research linked to medical applications of ionising radiation. This may include research at all levels (Research Assistants, Research Masters or Doctoral Students, Post-Doctoral Fellows, Research Fellows, etc) using radioactive materials, pre-clinical imaging, clinical trial organisers, etc.
This exemplary training event will be organised through two webinars (February 14, 14:00-17:00 CET and February 16, 14:00-17:00 CET)
Webinar 1 – 14/02/2023 | 14:00 – 17:00 CET
Dosimetry in radiation protection for researchers
- To understand the importance of radiation dosimetry for researchers;
- To become familiar with common methods for dosimetry and their respective advantages and limitations;
- To consider the most appropriate dosimetric quantities for varying research scenarios;
- To apply available dosimetric tools to practical scenarios.
14.00hrs CET: Welcome (Assoc Prof Jonathan McNulty, University College Dublin, Ireland)
14.20hrs: Dosimetry quantities (Prof Graciano Paulo, Presdient ESTESC, Coimbra, Portugal)
15.35hrs: Dosimetry for researchers (Assist Prof Rachel Toomey, UCD, Ireland)
16.00hrs: Benefit-risk communication strategies (Assoc Prof Shane Foley, UCD, Ireland)
16.20hrs: Group activity and Q&A
Webinar 2 – 16/02/2023 | 14:00 – 17:00 CET
Occupational radiation protection for researchers
- To understand the key radiation protection principles for researchers who use ionising radiation equipment;
- To become familiar with practical measures for personal radiation protection;
- To discuss topical radiation protection measures specific to researchers;
- To apply radiation protection principles using online / virtual simulation tools;
- To discuss benefit-risk communication strategies linked to their research.
14.00 Welcome & Introduction
14.10 Principles of radiation protection overview. Joana Santos, Coimbra Healthcare College
14.30 Uncertainties in personal dosimetry. Marie Anne Chevallier, EURADOS, WP2 Chair
15.45 Practical steps for radiation protection. Speaker: Shauna Murphy, UCD
16.10-16.40 Virtual simulation tools for radiation protection presentation. Louise Rainford, Jaka Potocnik, Shauna Daly, UCD
16.40hrs: Group activity and Q&A
Registration is now open: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd–iIEn5ckNwwUcWHTZbLQ-m1ptL7woaX4irMruVKfX4-1yQ/viewform
Download the programme schedule.