In line with the EURAMED rocc-n-roll WP7 objectives a series of webinars are provided dedicated to those interested and/or involved in the education and training of health professionals using ionising radiation.
Webinar 1 – 13/04/2023 | 13:00 – 14:30 CEST
Online education and training in radiation protection using a MOOC and a simulation environment
This webinar will discuss the development of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for radiation protection education and training in vascular surgery. The MOOC integrates interactive modules, a serious game simulating a clinical case and a self-assessment tool.
- Impact of a dedicated MOOC on the observed radiation safety behavior in endovascular surgery – Gilles Soenens (UGent, Belgium)
- Interactive session: challenges in hands-on training – Klaus Bacher (UGent, Belgium)
Access using this link: webinar 1 April 13th
Webinar 2 – 18/04/2023 | 13:00 – 14:30 CEST
Exploring different teaching methods in radiation protection education
The aim of this webinar is to give an overview of different education and training strategies, with an emphasis on interactive and active teaching methods.
- Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, Involve me and I learn – The Long term knowledge retention of different teaching methods – Wies Allemeersch (UGent, Belgium)
- Interactive session: how to evaluate trainees in medical radiation protection? – Klaus Bacher (UGent, Belgium)
Access using this link: webinar 2 April 18th
Webinar 3 – 20/04/2023 | 13:00 – 15:00 CEST
On-the-job training strategies
In this webinar an innovative method for bite-size continuous learning will be introduced. In addition, the impact of a real-time staff dose evaluation system on the training of practitioners will be discussed.
- Novel methods for continuous learning in medical radiation protection – Jurgen Jacobs (QAELUM, Belgium)
- Real-time dose monitoring: an efficient tool to learn good practice in a clinical environment – Klaus Bacher (UGent, Belgium)
Access using this link: webinar 3 April 20th
Download the programme schedule.