News & Discussion


EURAMED rocc-n-roll Workshop at ERPW 2023

We are happy to announce that an EURAMED rocc-n-roll workshop on the Strategic Research Agenda and Roadmap will be held back-to-back with the European Radiation Protection Week (ERPW) 2023. ERPW 2023 is being hosted by University College Dublin. The workshop is scheduled for October 9, 2023, from 14:00 to 16:00. Find out more about the programme here:

Registration is now closed.


EURAMED rocc-n-roll unveils SRA and Roadmap

The EURAMED rocc-n-roll project has reached a significant milestone with the release of its Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and roadmap, marking the culmination of a three-year collaborative effort. This initiative, a cornerstone of the SAMIRA action plan, brought together experts from diverse fields to advance medical applications of ionising radiation while prioritising patient safety and care.

Running from September 2020 to August 2023, EURAMED rocc-n-roll harnessed the collective expertise of professionals in radiation biology, medical physics and dosimetry, ethics, clinical expertise, regulatory and health policy, AI, and industry. The SRA and Roadmap are the result of extensive cross-disciplinary consultation with stakeholders in health, radiation protection, and digitisation. The documents that have been submitted to and are currently under evaluation of the European Commission provide an all-encompassing overview of current research, identifying gaps and essential focus areas for future European research endeavors.

The release of the SRA and roadmap is a pivotal moment, solidifying Europe’s position as a leader in healthcare technologies, ensuring equitable access to safe, high-quality personalised care for Europe’s citizens.

Read the SRA here.

Read the Roadmap here.


Make your voice heard: EURAMED rocc-n-roll Stakeholder Workshop

The EURAMED rocc-n-roll Consortium is pleased to announce a Stakeholder Workshop on May 25-26, 2023, in Brussels, BE, at the Thon Hotel Brussels City Centre. This workshop presents a unique opportunity to gather input and consultation from a wide range of stakeholders in the field, with the aim of developing a strategic research agenda (SRA) for the future of medical applications of ionising radiation and related radiation protection.

The EURAMED rocc-n-roll SRA is poised to become an invaluable resource in prioritizing research funding, guiding policy decisions, and supporting the development of innovative medical applications and radiation protection strategies. Furthermore, the education and training programs developed by the project will ensure that healthcare professionals and researchers have the necessary skills and knowledge to implement these advancements and promote patient-centered care.

By participating in the Stakeholder Workshop, you will have the chance to engage in fruitful discussions, provide feedback and input, and contribute to shaping the future of this dynamic field. The workshop will be held over two days, from May 25-26, 2023, with an indicative timing of 11:00 on May 25 to 15:00 on May 26.

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to have your voice heard and make a difference in the world of medical applications of ionizing radiation and related radiation protection.

Register now for our workshop:

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

We look forward to seeing you in Brussels!


EURAMED rocc-n-roll Training Event: Train the Trainers in Medical Application of Ionising Radiation and Radiation Protection

In line with the EURAMED rocc-n-roll WP7 objectives a series of webinars are provided dedicated to those interested and/or involved  in the education and training of health professionals using ionising radiation.


Webinar 1 – 13/04/2023 | 13:00 – 14:30 CEST

Online education and training in radiation protection using a MOOC and a simulation environment

This webinar will discuss the development of a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for radiation protection education and training in vascular surgery. The MOOC integrates interactive modules, a serious game simulating a clinical case and a self-assessment tool.

  • Impact of a dedicated MOOC on the observed radiation safety behavior in endovascular surgery – Gilles Soenens (UGent, Belgium)
  • Interactive session: challenges in hands-on training – Klaus Bacher (UGent, Belgium)

Access using this link: webinar 1 April 13th

Webinar 2 – 18/04/2023 | 13:00 – 14:30 CEST

Exploring different teaching methods in radiation protection education

The aim of this webinar is to give an overview of different education and training strategies, with an emphasis on interactive and active teaching methods.

  • Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, Involve me and I learn – The Long term knowledge retention of different teaching methods – Wies Allemeersch (UGent, Belgium)
  • Interactive session: how to evaluate trainees in medical radiation protection? – Klaus Bacher (UGent, Belgium)

Access using this link: webinar 2 April 18th

Webinar 3 – 20/04/2023 | 13:00 – 15:00 CEST

On-the-job training strategies

In this webinar an innovative method for bite-size continuous learning will be introduced. In addition, the impact of a real-time staff dose evaluation system on the training of practitioners will be discussed.

  • Novel methods for continuous learning in medical radiation protection – Jurgen Jacobs (QAELUM, Belgium)
  • Real-time dose monitoring: an efficient tool to learn good practice in a clinical environment – Klaus Bacher (UGent, Belgium)

Access using this link: webinar 3 April 20th

Download the programme schedule.


EURAMED rocc-n-roll at ECR 2023

The European Congress of Radiology was held in Vienna between March 1-5, 2023. The EURAMED rocc-n-roll project was presented in a dedicated session on “European Research Agenda for medical applications of ionising radiation: the EURAMED rocc-n-roll project”

The session was chaired by our Clinical Coordinator Guy Frija (UP). Katrine Riklund (UmU) kicked off the session presenting medical radiation application research needs and radiation protection in different disease areas. Jean-Michel Dolo (CEA) presented the EURAMED rocc-n-roll view on the criteria, definition and establishment of centres

of excellence and research infrastructures for the field of medical applications of ionising radiation research. EURAMED rocc-n-roll Scientific Coordinator Christoph Hoeschen (OvGU) introduced the project’s findings on challenges and barriers as well as recommendations for improved transfer of knowledge to industry and clinical routine. He also provided an overview of the topics to be covered in the EURAMED rocc-n-roll Strategic Research Agenda and Roadmap which will be finalised in July 2023. Finally, Georgi Simeonov (DG ENER, European Commission) presented the EC perspective on the efforts in our project to develop a European Strategic Research Agenda for medical applications of ionising radiation and the link to SAMIRA and the Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan.

As the session was open-access, if you have missed, or simply want to re-watch the sesssion, follow the instructions:

  1. Visit the session page on ESR Connect and select the session you would like to attend.
  2. Click on ‘Login’ in the upper right corner and enter your ESR MyUserArea credentials or create a new ESR account for free (after you have created your account please visit the session page once again).
  3. The session is now saved in your user menu under ‘My Courses’ which can be accessed via your user icon in the upper right corner.
  4. When the session starts, log-into your account and visit the session page, where the livestream will start automatically.

In addition, results from WP7 were presented in the open access session “Advancements and challenges in radiography education” by Joana Santos (IPC) on March 1, 2023. The outcomes of EURAMED rocc-n-roll Task 2.6 discussions on regulatory views and issues were presented by Hugo de las Heras Gala (BfS) at the EuroSafe Imaging session on “Radiation protection and artificial intelligence (AI): expectations and needs from the community” on Sunday, March 5. Moreover, a dedicated EURAMED rocc-n-roll poster “EURAMED rocc-n-roll: From a European strategic research agenda towards a corresponding roadmap for medical applications of ionizing radiation” was available in the digital poster area.

EIBIR (European Institute for Biomedical Imaging and Research) was present during the whole week of the congress and invited participants to learn more about EURAMED rocc-n-roll at their booth and pick up the new project flyer.


EURAMED rocc-n-roll Training Event for Researchers in Radiation Protection

On February 14 and 16, EURAMED rocc-n-roll will hold a radiation protection training event for researchers.

In line with the WP7 objectives to design and pilot a dedicated education and training (E&T) methodological framework for health professionals and researchers, this exemplary training event will be carried out dedicated to researchers of all varieties (clinical, academic) who use ionising radiation equipment as part of their work or undertaking research linked to medical applications of ionising radiation. This may include research at all levels (Research Assistants, Research Masters or Doctoral Students, Post-Doctoral Fellows, Research Fellows, etc) using radioactive materials, pre-clinical imaging, clinical trial organisers, etc.

This exemplary training event will be organised through two webinars (February 14, 14:00-17:00 CET and February 16, 14:00-17:00 CET)

Webinar 1 – 14/02/2023 | 14:00 – 17:00 CET

Dosimetry in radiation protection for researchers

  • To understand the importance of radiation dosimetry for researchers;
  • To become familiar with common methods for dosimetry and their respective advantages and limitations;
  • To consider the most appropriate dosimetric quantities for varying research scenarios;
  • To apply available dosimetric tools to practical scenarios.


14.00hrs CET: Welcome (Assoc Prof Jonathan McNulty, University College Dublin, Ireland)

14.20hrs: Dosimetry quantities (Prof Graciano Paulo, Presdient ESTESC, Coimbra, Portugal)

15.35hrs: Dosimetry for researchers (Assist Prof Rachel Toomey, UCD, Ireland)

16.00hrs: Benefit-risk communication strategies (Assoc Prof Shane Foley, UCD, Ireland)

16.20hrs: Group activity and Q&A

Webinar 2 – 16/02/2023 | 14:00 – 17:00 CET

Occupational radiation protection for researchers

  • To understand the key radiation protection principles for researchers who use ionising radiation equipment;
  • To become familiar with practical measures for personal radiation protection;
  • To discuss topical radiation protection measures specific to researchers;
  • To apply radiation protection principles using online / virtual simulation tools;
  • To discuss benefit-risk communication strategies linked to their research.


14.00 Welcome & Introduction

14.10 Principles of radiation protection overview. Joana Santos, Coimbra Healthcare College

14.30 Uncertainties in personal dosimetry. Marie Anne Chevallier, EURADOS, WP2 Chair

15.45 Practical steps for radiation protection. Speaker: Shauna Murphy, UCD

16.10-16.40 Virtual simulation tools for radiation protection presentation. Louise Rainford, Jaka Potocnik, Shauna Daly, UCD

16.40hrs: Group activity and Q&A

Registration is now open:–iIEn5ckNwwUcWHTZbLQ-m1ptL7woaX4irMruVKfX4-1yQ/viewform

Download the programme schedule.


EURAMED rocc-n-roll Training Event for Health Professionals

From January 23-26, 2023, EURAMED rocc-n-roll will hold a radiation protection training event for health professionals.

The WP7 objectives are to design and pilot a dedicated education and training (E&T) methodological framework for health professionals and researchers and guidance document on how to organize, implement and disseminate E&T in medical RP among health professionals and how to include E&T in all research projects to enable researchers a sound knowledge base of the science required for RP research, to build capacity in RP research and ensure sustainability of the field, including the link with industry regarding new technological developments, from a RP perspective.

Based on that work and to pilot the proposed methodology, an exemplary training event will be carried out dedicated for health professionals (clinical staff).

This exemplary training event will be organized through four webinars (2 hours each: 18:00 – 20:00 CET) on the following topics:

Webinar 1 – 23/01/2023 | 18:00 – 20:00 CET

Dose management of patient and staff

  • Understanding procedure dose descriptors
  • Rasing awareness of radiation benefits and risks
  • Understanding staff monitoring

Webinar 2 – 24/01/2023 | 18:00 – 20:00 CET

Dose reduction strategies in fluoroscopy guided procedures

  • Understanding the use of dose descriptors in FGP
  • Applying patient dose reduction strategies
  • Applying staff dose reduction strategies

Webinar 3 – 25/01/2023 | 18:00 – 20:00 CET

Dose reduction strategies in CT

  • Understanding the use of dose descriptors in CT
  • Applying optimal dose reduction tools
  • Becoming familiar with optimisation process (dose and image quality)

Webinar 4 – 26/01/2023 | 18:00 – 20:00 CET

Establishment and use of DRL’s

  • Understanding the DRL’s establishment
  • Becoming aware of DRL’s challenges per image modality
  • Understanding the utility of using DRLs

This will serve as a strategy to establish a harmonised and sustainable safety culture in RP amongst health professionals.

Registration is open to healthcare professionals on a first-come-first-saved basis.

Click here to register now!


WP4 Workshop at ECMP

Ahead of the 2022 European Congress of Medical Physics, the WP4 team hosted a workshop, focusing on the digital revolution and ethical challenges for medical applications of ionising radiation. The workshop was held on August 16, 2022 at the Dublin City University, St. Patrick’s Campus, Dublin, Ireland.

The attendees, combining digitisation researchers, health experts and the radiation science community, discussed the ongoing digital revolution in healthcare in the particular context of radiation applications in diagnostic and therapeutic medicine. Two WP4 deliverables in the domain of AI and ethics were also presented for comment. The workshop was a rewarding experience, bringing in a wealth of insight that will influence the direction of the WP team for the remainder of the project.

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