News & Discussion


EURAMED rocc-n-roll at ECR 2022

The EURAMED rocc-n-roll project will be featured in a dedicated session at the European Congress of Radiology (ECR) 2022 next week. The session will be streamed and available open access. Please find the details below to join the session onsite or online:

New applications and technologies for the medical use of ionising radiation and related quality and safety perspectives (an update from the EURAMED rocc-n-roll project): 

Wednesday, 13th July, 13:00 – 14:00 CEST

Room: Open Forum #2

Chairpersons’ introduction (C. Hoeschen; Magdeburg/DE, K. Riklund; Umea/SE)
New applications and technologies in interventional procedures (C. Iosif, Nicosia/CY)
New developments in paediatric radiology (C. Granata; Genoa/IT)
The clinical EURAMED rocc-n-roll perspective on new developments (K. Riklund; Umea/SE)
Open forum discussion

In order to access the open access sessions please follow the instructions below:

  1. Visit the session page on ESR Connect and select the session you would like to attend
  2. Click on ‚Login’ in the upper right corner and enter your ESR MyUserArea credentials or create a new ESR account for free (after you have created your account please visit the session page once again)
  3. The session is now saved in your user menu under ‘My Courses’ which can be accessed via your user icon in the upper right corner

New publication out

As part of Task 5.1 The translational challenge for medical radiation application and protection research consensus statements were generated on key translational challenges from a range of professional stakeholders between March and September 2021 employing a Delphi methodology.

A total of three Delphi rounds were conducted using a series of electronic surveys comprised of open-ended and closed-type questions. The surveys were disseminated via the EURAMED rocc-n-roll consortium network and prominent medical societies in the field. Approximately 350 professionals were invited to participate.

The report on the conclusions from these surveys have now been published. Find out how to access the publication here.


M12 Consortium Meeting

On September 30 and October 1, 2021 the EURAMED rocc-n-roll consortium met online for their annual consortium meeting. The work progress, first results and next steps in each Work Package were presented and discussed. The draft structure of the EURAMED rocc-n-roll SRA was discussed and feedback gathered from the partners and members of the Advisory Board.


RICOMET 2021: EURAMED rocc-n-roll workshop

A EURAMED rocc-n-roll workshop on “Ethics, artificial intelligence and implications for medical applications of ionizing radiationwill be held during RICOMET 2021.

The workshop will provide an update on several new initiatives for ethics in medical applications of radiation that are underway in the international community (including imaging and radiotherapy). Specifically, a new ICRP Report is well advanced and focuses on ethics for radiation in medical diagnosis and treatment (ICRP TG 109). WHO has initiated work suggesting that ethics become a fourth pillar (with regulation; professional practices, and safety culture) for Radiation Protection in Medicine. A policy brief is being created which will inform further work. In addition, sessions on ethics in medical RP were included in the recent IRPA International Congress and the 2021 European Congress of Radiology.

Within the EURAMED rocc-n-roll project, relevant ethics considerations of the agenda for digitalisation of medical applications of ionising radiation and related radiation protection are being addressed through SHARE in the context of a wide range of opportunities, caveats, and challenges, including those coming with the use of artificial intelligence and big data. Ethics responses are often framed very broadly by scientists, engineers, equipment developers, manufacturers, medical practitioners et al. A broader perspective must also include elements from law, good practice, guidelines, standards, and unstated values sets, all of which and help underpin safety and efficacy.
Preliminary SHARE perspectives on this work in progress will be presented at the workshop and participants will be encouraged to work in small groups to generate new ideas, challenges and comments to help shape the SHARE response to the digitalisation imperative.

The workshop will held online on September 10, 10:00-12:00 CEST.

Participation is free of charge. To register for the workshop, please click here.


Take our survey on Education & Training

Education and Training (E&T) in medical application of ionizing radiation and related radiation protection is a major element of the EURAMED rocc-n-roll project. In a dedicated work package, the project aims to develop a methodological framework and guidance document on how to organise, implement and disseminate E&T in medical RP amongst health professionals and how to include E&T in all research projects to equip researchers with a sound knowledge base of the science required for RP research, to build capacity in RP research and ensure sustainability of the field, including the link with industry regarding new technological developments, from a RP perspective.

To identify the needs/problems/challenges for each health profession in relation to RP E&T and to assess the status quo of national implementation of the E&T requirements laid down in the European Council Directive 2013/59/Euratom – Basic Safety Standards (BSS), a survey has been developed. It is addressed to relevant national stakeholders, including national scientific and professional societies, regulators, and to individuals with an interest in medical imaging (radiology, nuclear medicine, hybrid imaging) and radiotherapy from the 27 EU countries, plus Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and the UK.

Please click here to access the survey:

The survey contains 40 questions mostly in multiple choice format and should take less than 15 minutes to complete. The deadline for survey completion is 26/03/2021.

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