

Nemzeti Népegészségügyi Központ (NNK)

Nemzeti Népegészségügyi Központ (NNK, National Public Health Center) was established in 2018 with the merging of several national research institutes. One of the predecessors of NNK was the National Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene (NRIRR), which was established in 1957. NRIRR is currently the Department of Radiobiology and Radiohygiene (DRR) within NNK. DRR serves as a technical support organization for radiation protection authorities and prepares expert opinions for authority decisions for radiation protection qualification of radiating equipment; establishment of medical irradiators and industrial accelerators; and licensing of nuclear reactors, radioactive waste disposals, etc. DRR performs acceptance tests of new medical radiology equipment, evaluates and harmonizes occupational radiohygiene activity, and runs the National Personal Dosimetry Service and Database. DRR is licensed to supervise the medical radiation emergency preparedness service and determine radioactive contamination and internal radiation burden of humans both by physical means and biodosimetry. DRR maintains an accredited laboratory basically in all fields of radioactivity measurements.

The research activity of DRR covers the whole range of radiation science from physical interaction with matter to the application of radiation in medical as well as industrial practices. The quality and levels of radiation hazards, health consequences of radiation, occupational effects of radiation and principles, and practice of protection against the harmful effects of radiation are studied. DRR is engaged in investigating the biological effects of radiation, including low dose effects. Recently, researchers at DRR have studied low dose radiation effects on the brain and immune system. They have studied immunological markers that may predict the radiation responses of cancer patients and healthy individuals. In the educational field DRR maintains active relationships with several Hungarian universities, as DRR scientists organize radiation biology courses and are involved in the PhD programmes of several universities.


NNK DRR is involved in low dose research; scientists have actively studied radiation effects on the immune system. DRR is involved in the E&T programmes of various Hungarian universities. DRR is responsible in Hungary for radiation protection of patients and has all the tools to perform dosimetry measurements at the individual level for radiation workers as well as patients undergoing any type of radiological exposure.

Role in project

NNK participates in WP5 by leading Task 5.3 How to facilitate innovation by industry and sustainability for the production and in WP2 as part of Task 2.1 Identification and prioritisation of MELODI SRA topics relevant to medical radiation protection research.

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