

University College Dublin, National University of Ireland, Dublin (UCD)

UCD is one of Europe’s leading research-intensive universities; an environment where undergraduate education, masters and PhD training, research, innovation and community engagement form a dynamic spectrum of activity.

Since its foundation, the University has made a unique contribution to the creation of modern Ireland, based on successful engagement with Irish society on every level and across every sphere of activity. The international standing of UCD has grown in recent years; it is currently ranked within the top 1% of higher education institutions world-wide. UCD is also Ireland’s most globally engaged university with over 30,000 students drawn from over 139 countries, including almost 5,000 students based at locations outside of Ireland.

Research and innovation are essential drivers of a dynamic economy, an informed society and a vibrant culture. The spectrum of research and innovation at UCD encompasses individual scholars, research groups, start-up companies and large-scale collaborations with industry and other partners. Research is conducted within each of the University’s extensive range of disciplines, and in multidisciplinary research programmes addressing challenges of global scale.

In 2017/18 UCD researchers secured €122.4 million in research grants from national and international funding agencies, companies and foundations. Since 2008 UCD researchers have secured over €1 billion in such grants. Their research underpins national research and technology institutes and centres, including the SFI funded Insight Centre for Data Analytics, Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences (iCRAG), Bioeconomy Research Centre (BEACON) and I-Form Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre.

UCD has had nationally leading success in many of the most prestigious European awards, including European Research Council and Marie Sklodowska-Curie schemes. Over the last decade UCD researchers have increased their annual number of papers in the international literature by 50% and have co-authored more than 15,000 papers with researchers from more than 130 countries. These papers are cited by other researchers at a rate that is 73% above the world average.

A major area of focus of the UCD School of Medicine over the past 30 years has been on the optimization of medical imaging, interventional radiology, and interventional cardiology procedures in terms of diagnostic image quality / efficacy and radiation doses. Projects led by UCD have also explored the translation of this research into clinical practice at the local, national, and European levels (this is directly linked to WP5: Industrial research, innovation and sustainability where we will lead Task 5.2: Generating a framework for clinical and industrial transfer of innovation). UCD are recognized internationally as one of the leading diagnostic imaging research groups in terms of this optimization work.

Additionally, we are recognized internationally as leaders in education and training and have been recognized through competitive funding and awards for our innovation related to teaching, learning, and assessment (this is directly linked to WP7: Education & training, in Task 7.1: Defining future strategy of RP education/training needs in medicine and Task 7.2: Exemplary training events to pilot proposed methodology).


UCD also has very strong connections to the wider research and educational networks and members of the UCD team involved in this project are all actively involved in the European Federation of Radiographer Societies (EFRS), the European Society of Radiology (ESR), and other international organisations with special interests related to medical ionising radiation.

Role in project

UCD participates in WP5 Industrial research, innovation and sustainability, where they will lead Task 5.2 Generating a framework for clinical and industrial transfer of innovation. UCD also participates in WP7 Education & training, in Task 7.1 Defining future strategy of RP education/training needs in medicine and Task 7.2 Exemplary training events to pilot proposed methodology, which will define the future strategy of RP education & training needs in medicine and develop exemplar training events to pilot proposed methodologies.

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