

Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio per la Ricerca Medica e di Sanità Pubblica (FTGM)

The Foundation is a specialized public entity of the Regional Health Service constituted by the National Council for Research (CNR) and by the Tuscany Region for the management and further development of specialized healthcare and research activities of interest to the public health services, previously carried out by the Institute of Clinical Physiology of the CNR.

The Foundation is a highly specialized research and care institute for the treatment of cardiopulmonary diseases, including rare disorders such as congenital heart defects, hereditary dyslipidemias, hemocromatosis, pulmonary hypertension, and amyloidosis. It is highly specialised in 5 distinct clinical areas: Interventional Cardiology, Arrythmology and Electrophysiology, Cardiac and Vascular Surgery, Critical Cardiology and Cardiovascular Imaging.

FTGM was set up as the main seat of the Sant Anna University, Pisa, for the study of cardiovascular diseases, and thus it contributes to training, producing clinical excellence in all specific roles, in order to offer the best care. At FTGM, scientists, physicians, technicians and nurses work together sharing highly specialised individual knowledge, to provide the best patient care and to establish a trusting relationship in a collaborative and confidential environment. This approach to work is the key to carrying out innovative research, prevention and care projects.

The Foundation, moreover, carries out research activities in the area of health and of technologies applied to healthcare, also in collaboration with the institutes of the National Council for Research – primarily with the Institute of Clinical Physiology, universities, high schools, and industry entities.

Every operational articulation, department or unit, simultaneously carries out specialized health-related activities and connected research activities, drawing upon the experience of clinical activity as a starting point for investigation and research, and, from results coming from research and innovation, for suggestions for improving clinical practice.

The Nuclear Cardiology unit at FTGM is one of the reference laboratories in Italy for nuclear cardiology due to the use of a new solid-state camera with state-of-the-art protocols for reducing radiation exposure, having the capability to significantly reduce mean radiation doses for each exam (< 3 mSv for a single day stress/rest cardiac SPECT).

Role in project

FTGM contributes to WP3 by leading Task 3.3 Radiation application in cardiovascular diseases: needs and opportunities and taking part in Task 3.5 Addressing common interests and identifying synergies. FTGM will analyse the needs of research in applying ionising radiation and the related radiation protection in cardiovascular diseases by identifying gaps and possibilities according to the most recent European guidelines and/or appropriateness criteria.

Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico Burlo Garofolo (IBG)

The Hospital Burlo Garofolo (IBG) was fonded in 1856 and formally recognised by the Italian Ministry of Health as Institute for Maternal and Child Health Institutes for Research, Hospitalization and Health Care (IRCCS) in 1968. Since 1992 our Institute has been designated as a Collaborating Centre of the WHO. Burlo Garofolo provides for diagnostic, healthcare, and rehabilitation highly specialized services for the residents of the province of Trieste, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, other Italian regions, as well as for foreign nationals ensuring clinical excellence in medical and surgical paediatric subspecialties, reproductive medicine and perinatology. In collaboration with the University of Trieste, Burlo Garofolo hosts a University Clinic and Diagnostic Centre dedicated to teaching and research activities and offers post-graduate studies including medical residency programs in Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Medical Genetics and a PhD program. The Institute has a number of research laboratories including Clinical Chemistry and Haematology; Cellular Immunology and Flow cytometry, Molecular Genetics such as core facility for sequencing and mutation detection, for analysis of DNA fragments and sequences, genotyping for development and production of micro – nanotechnology platforms for genetics diseases investigation. The IRCCS pursues excellence and quality in research and clinical care. Burlo Garofolo has strong ties with many Institutions within the Trieste network of scientific Institutions and is part of networks of Regional, National end International collaborating institutions which include pediatric hospitals and research centers located in both developed and developing countries.

Role in project

IBG participates in WP3 by leading Task 3.4: Identifying radiation application and radiation protection needs and opportunities in other relevant clinical scenarios. Task 3.4 will analyse the needs of research in radiation application and corresponding protection in other relevant clinical scenarios, particularly in paediatric patients, pregnant women, chronic diseases, and screening programs, by identifying gaps and possibilities. The panel for this task will include experts from the identified scenarios to ensure that the relevant medical and scientific communities are involved in the definition of the research needs and related priorities. A literature research on typical exposures will be performed and the state-of-the-art in radiation protection analysed with regards to both the technical and procedural aspects. IBG will also participate in Task 3.5: Addressing common interests and identifying synergies.

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