

Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra (IPC)

The Polytechnic of Coimbra (IPC) is a public higher education institution created in 1979, which encompasses six schools: Coimbra Agriculture School (ESAC); Coimbra Education School (ESEC); Oliveira do Hospital Management and Technology School (ESTGOH); Coimbra Health School (ESTeSC); Coimbra Business School (ISCAC) and Coimbra Institute of Engineering (ISEC). By combining strong practical activities with solid theoretical education, the courses available are labor market oriented and assure high employment rates. Updated info shows that IPC has almost 10,000 students, 653 teachers and 378 non-teaching personnel.

With the vision of gaining national and international scientific scale and weight, IPC has recently created the Coimbra Applied Research Institute (i2a), which aims to: a) promote, stimulate, support and manage applied research activities; b) contribute to the rationalization and integrated management of IPC scientific resources; c) develop applied research and technology and knowledge transfer to industries and community to better develop and improve products, processes and services. To manage an increasing number of national and international scientific projects, i2a coordinates the implementation of six high tech laboratories focused on health, biomechanics, information and communication technology (ICT) and natural and endogenous resources issues with an investment amount above 3.2 M€.

The Medical Imaging & Radiotherapy Department (MIRD) of the Coimbra Health School (IPC-ESTESC) has dedicated, in the last 10 years, part of its research in developing radiology optimization programs in clinical practice, including image quality assessment, at several hospitals in Portugal, in plain imaging, computed tomography and fluoroscopy-guided procedures, including the development of Education & training programs in radiation protection, for health professionals.

IPC-ESTESC expertise is an added value for the project since it’s in the core of the applied research that is performed at MIRD. The knowledge, skills and competences we have in this field will contribute to define the future strategic research agenda for medical radiation protection, considering the fact that MIRD combines clinical background with applied research in this area, with an interdisciplinary and integrative approach and always translating into clinical practice the results of the applied research that has been developed.


MIRD has recently been recognized as a World Health Organisation (WHO) collaborating centre for radiation protection and health.

Role in project

IPC participates in WP5, dedicated to industrial research, innovation and sustainability, and especially to Task 5.1, which looks at the translational challenges for medical radiation protection research, and Task 5.3, which focuses on how to facilitate innovation by industry and sustainability for production (e.g., how can sustainable radionuclide production be fostered by means of research).


Within this project, IPC leads WP7, dedicated to education, training, and dissemination. This WP, through two tasks, will define the future strategy of RP education & training needs in medicine and develop exemplary training events to pilot proposed methodology. As WP leader, IPC is responsible for the overall development of the WP7 work plan, for coordinating meetings and communication within the work package and with coordinators and administrators. It is also responsible for ensuring scientifically sound, accurate and timely completion of milestones and deliverables. IPC also leads Task 7.1 Defining future strategy of medical application of ionising radiation and RP education/training needs in medicine within WP7.

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